Metaimage 1 4 1 – Edit Images' Metadata

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  1. Metaimage 1 4 1 – Edit Images' Metadata Software
  2. Metaimage 1 4 1 – Edit Images' Metadata File

Jul 09, 2018 What is image metadata. All digital cameras capture photos in the form of data, but they also record a lot of additional data about this data.This data about the pictures is called metadata. MetaImage lets you read, write, and edit images metadata. The application allows you to edit EXIF, IPTC, XMP, and Maker tags in a familiar interface. The program has been designed to improve your workflow. You have the ability to create and manage presets. Moreover, a special interface is provided for geographical and thumbnail data.

Metaimage 1 4 1 – Edit Images' Metadata Software

pypm install django-metaimage

How to install django-metaimage

  1. Download and install ActivePython
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type pypm install django-metaimage
Python 2.7Python 3.2Python 3.3
Windows (32-bit)
0.4 Available View build log
0.3 Available View build log
Windows (64-bit)
0.4 Available View build log
0.3 Available View build log
Mac OS X (10.5+)
0.4 Available View build log
0.3 Available View build log
Linux (32-bit)
0.4 Available View build log
0.3 Available View build log
Linux (64-bit)
0.4 Available View build log
0.3 Available View build log

Metaimage 1 4 1 – Edit Images' Metadata File

Lastest release

django-metaimage is a GPL-licensed app for the Django web framework.Many sites deal with images/photos, which usually come from threesources: uploaded by a user, pulled from the Internet via a URL, orgenerated server-side. For the latter two cases, django-metaimageshould be helpful: a new instance can take either a remote image URL,or raw image data as a string (e.g. as might be produced viaMatplotlib).

The main MetaImage model provides a wrapper of useful functionalityaround ImageModel from the powerful django-photologue app (adependency). Some of the django-metaimage code was initially inspiredfrom Pinax's photo app, but I have removed Pinax dependencies, so thatdjango-metaimage only requires:

  1. Django
  2. django-photologue
  3. django-autoslug
  4. django-taggit
  5. django-uni-form, trunk (optional)

You might need django-uni-form, if you want to use the includedexample templates, and want to see all django-metaimage's tests pass.

In sum, this app is provides more flexibility with localrepresentation of images on your site from multiple sources, whetheruploaded, from remote images, or sever-side generated images.


The main class, MetaImage, enables storing useful metadata aboutimages, including a title, caption, notes about the source(e.g. copyrights, permissions), and tags. MetaImage attributesinclude:

  • title, slug, caption, source_note (for attribution text, copyrights, etc.)
  • source_url (if any)
  • privacy
  • safetylevel
  • tags

Now, to handle the two cases of storing images that the app was madefor: retrieval of a remote image from its URL (you'll have a localcopy in case the image moves/disappears), or storing a server-sidegenerated image:

  • With a remote image, simply specify the source_url field in the newMetaImage instance and save it, e.g.
  • With a server-side generated image - as a string object - one wouldsend in the keyword argument image_data when saving, e.g.

Useful MetaImage methods include:

  • render() and render_linked(), which spits out the HTML to show yourimage on a webpage, with a hyperlink to a details-page.

Basic views, tests, and templates are also provided, so you canquickly integrate the app into an existing Django site.


Install via 'pip install django-metaimage' or from source. You mayalso need to do pip install for django-taggit, django-autoslug, andphotologue.

Then update your Django project's file: add 'photologue','taggit' and 'metaimage' (autoslug does not need to be there) in theINSTALLED_APPS list, e.g.

And then, do a ' syncdb' to create the database tablesneeded.

OPTIONAL: Templates are provided for adding, editing, viewing, etc. ofmetaimages; they're very basic and meant only as a starting point.But if you want to use them directly, do at least these two things:

  1. Get and install django-uni-form > 0.7.0 which some of the templatesrely on, and also update your INSTALLED_APPS to list'uni_form' as a package dependency.
  2. Update your site-wide, e.g.

Also, many of the django-metaimage templates have templatetagsdependencies that are commented out, as they require Pinax or otherpackages; you can activate them as needed, but be sure to update yourINSTALLED_APPS accordingly.


I've included a set of unit tests for the app; if you have integrateddjango-metaimage into an existing Django site/project, just do theusual ' test' and the tests should be run, BUT for all teststo pass, the current trunk (as of 2/2011) of django-uni-form isneeded:

Should you want to run django-metaimage's test suite outside of anyparticular Django site/project - i.e. stand-alone Django app testing -I suggest installing and using the django-app-test-runner and my forkof it at:

..which enables usage of a testing-specific settings file. After youinstall django-app-test-runner in your virtualenv (don't develop inPython without it!) you should be able to do something like:

Note that you'll need Internet connectivity for the tests to pass.

Errors, etc.

Please log errors/issues using django-metaimage's github site,

Metadata editor software enables editing, exploring and creating metadata from various files like PDF, office documents, video files, JPEG, AVI and many more formats. They help to view metadata like author, title, filename, etc. easily and allow exporting or importing these metadata as well. They enable bulk searching and editing of multiple files. They are simple to use software and one can search Google using mp3 metadata editor or PDF metadata editor Linux to know more about them.


Metadata Editor

Metadata editor is a powerful tool which enables creating, editing and optimizing metadata files in ISO19115 and ISO19139 standards. It comes with an intuitive interface and extremely useful for beginners to work with it. It enables editing various documents and files as well as provides facility to export and import metadata templates.

Metadata Touch

Metadata touch is a comprehensive tool which enables viewing and editing metadata in MS-office and open office documents as well as files like JPEG, AVI, TIFF, and MP3. It allows editing revision number and total editing time. It also allows exporting and importing metadata templates. It comes as a standalone version.

Hexonic PDF Metadata Editor

Colorwell 6 8 1. Hexonic PDF metadata editor is easy-to-use software which allows the modifying title, author, subject, keywords, producer, etc. of PDF documents. It allows combining multiple fields as well as searching, replacing, inserting text for all metadata fields. It enables modifying many documents at once. It also allows saving metadata for later use.


CatMDEdit allows editing metadata easily. It enables documentation of resources and work on multiple platforms. It supports various ISO standards and allows reusing of contact information like name, address, etc. It enables visualization of data file formats, allows graphical selection and graphical location of the data. It provides automatic metadata generation.

Other Metadata Editor Software for Windows and Mac Os Versions

There are tons of varieties of Metadata editor software available for Windows and Mac Os versions. They are completely platform dependent and hence one should check platform compatibility before downloading and installing them. The functions and features of these software are presented below briefly which helps one to get more information.

Best Metadata Editor Software for Windows – Auto Metadata

AutoMetadata enables exploring as well as editing metadata, properties of documents and viewer's preferences for multi-PDF documents. It allows loading several PDF files and display all the metadata fields like file name, author, title, subject, etc. It allows editing by searching and replacing. It also enables exploring security settings and permissions.

Best Metadata Editor Software for Mac Os – MetaZ

MetaZ is a video metadata editor which helps in editing MP4 metadata. It is easy-to-use software which enables viewing title, artist, date, rating, genre, album, album artist and purchase date of the MP4 video. It provides notifications features and enables version check for plug-ins. It enables easy searching of video files and allows loading files by dragging and dropping.

Most Popular Metadata Editor Software for 2016 is Bulk Metadata Editor

Bulk metadata editor software provides searching and replacing multiple metadata fields with ease and fast. It also allows bulk updating of metadata fields. It enables tagging for items as well as exhibits. It also provides themes with CSS changes and configuration that are easy to adapt. It is easy-to-use software. You can also see XML Sitemap Generator

How to Install Metadata Editor Software?

There is plenty of metadata editor software which comes in various versions and is generally easy to install. One can follow the installation instructions that are posted in software websites and complete the installation procedure quickly. The installation instructions are also provided along with the software download. This document provides instructions in illustrated manner for installing without any hassles. One should check for system requirements and pre-requisites as well and install them before downloading the software. You can also see Binary File Editor Software

Metadata editor software is widely used to verify metadata information on various files and change them easily. They allow editing metadata for a large number of files in one stretch and they are very simple to use. They can handle a variety of file formats including video files and very useful software for various industries.

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